Technical IP Law with a Global Reach

Business IP Law, a practice that focuses on E-Commerce, IT, Life Sciences, Privacy and Data Security, and Intellectual Property

For every type of business, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, intellectual property law, and privacy and data security are critical components to all businesses. Failure to handle these issues appropriately can be disastrous for any business no matter the size of the company. My name is Rhea de Aenlle, attorney and founder of the law firm, Business IP Law. I provide business intellectual property (IP) solutions and legal advice that covers a wide range of issues from compliance to drafting and negotiating commercial agreements that cover complicated privacy and e-commerce laws. My law firm represents companies throughout the world regarding e-commerce, business transactions, intellectual property and privacy laws.

Meet the Founder of Business IP Law

Rhea de Aenlle has been practicing law for more than 25 years. Her practice has always focused on intellectual property matters and her practice has changed to keep up with businesses throughout the U.S. and world.

My office is in Northern California and represent clients throughout the world.
Whether you are a CEO of startup company or in-house legal or general counsel to a privately or publicly held company, you need an attorney who has extensive legal experience, understands the law, and provides excellent service without overcharging you.

Representing Clients That Need a Quick Turnaround

I provide legal advice and support concerning:

  • Privacy and data security
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA)
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • Intellectual property
  • Software
  • Patents
  • Technology development
  • Business transactions
  • Software licenses
  • Patent licenses​
  • Terms of use
  • Terms of services
  • Privacy policies
  • E-commerce
Schedule a free consultation with Rhea de Aenlle by calling +1 (949) 244-0861 or by filling out the online contact form.

Contact Rhea For A Free Consultation:

(949) 244-0861